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Did you know...

There are various other physical disabilities that can impare a person's ability to use a web site. These may include Parkinsons, ALS, arthritis, and many others. Often these disabilities will impare a user's ability to use a keyboard or operate a mouse which means that you will need to provide alternative methods for browsing your site.

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The World's best 100% US Section 508, DDA, and WAI compliant online survey management system.

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Accessible surveys specializes in making the entire survey experience as easy and simple as possible for all audiences. Our web-based survey management software is easy to use, and 100% US Section 508, DDA and WAI AAA compliant and in our opinion, meets the WAI-AAA accessibility checklist for both taking AND CREATING surveys!.

No other online survey management system can make such a claim!

Easy to use

Years of experience in web design, and user interface make creating a survey a simple, intuitive process. No longer will you be scowering through documentation to figure out how to add a question to your survey.

Easy to integrate

A survey created at can easily be added to any website. Whether you're using linux VPS, or other hosting plans, creating a survey online, and adding it to your site is a snap. If you don't have a website and you're not sure what hosting is best for you, check out the BYU site for more information on linux virtual private server hosting.


NEW Lower pricing!

Prices start at $1.95 / month for 10 surveys, and go up to $9.95 / month for unlimited surveys! No limits on responses either!

Checkout our new lower pricing options below!

Surveys Price / month
Up to 10 $1.95 / month
Up to 50 $4.95 / month
Unlimited $9.95 / month

Sign Up Today!

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